Confusion of the Self

Photo: Brighton, England, 2017

Accountability, Individuation, Perspective

Being yourself is one thing,

being yourself is the only thing.


When the confusion of self comes,

don’t hesitate to explore the soul within,

and remember, it’s just another phase

of your soul repurposing its ways, speaking.


So welcome it, then listen to it cheering

its deepest desires to celebrate your life.

Your soul’s focused on what deeply matters

to you, only you, it will project the path.


So follow it to where it’s leading you,

heart first, then in motion, set the goals,

so logic can resolve all that’s imminent

on this path of freeing the soul of yours.


Being yourself is one thing,

being yourself is the only thing.


So run freely, as far as you wish.

Smile freely, as often as you feel.

Speak freely, as truly as you mean.

Love freely, as those who live real.


So when doubt seeps into the mind,

don’t hide away, but stand up proud.

Remember you got this heartbeat,

beating freely, happy and loud.


Being yourself is one thing,

being yourself is the only thing.
